It is a pleasure to work with you. You are the collaborators with whom we like to work the most. You are precise, disgustingly punctual and communication is excellent both between us and with those who ask us for projects. read more

Antonio Ruiz Serrano placeholder image

Healthy Work is a facilitator that helps the development of people and companies, increasing well-being and commitment. read more

Maribel Ruiz Gil

'Workplace Options has worked with Healthy Work Spain and Italy for over 14 years being our preferred provider for wellness and ECP services. Your company is one of our top performing local service delivery partners. read more

Jason Mullan

'The experience I had with the Healthy Work EAP was incredible. They found the solution to a very big problem in a country where they did not know the legislation and the language. It was at a time when I saw myself losing a lot of money and they made it come back to me. read more

Maria quirantes

We hired Healthy Work to give two courses on communicating bad news and conflict resolution at the Illustrious College of Physicians of Madrid. They did an excellent job with a very good reception and excellent reviews. read more

Maria Teulon