Human Resources professionals play a fundamental role in the well-being of teams. With skills such as assertiveness, empathy and the ability to listen and observe, they are able to detect possible problems and offer initial support. However, it is important to understand that clinical intervention is not one of your responsibilities and that is what the employee support program.
Although human resources staff can offer initial support, it is important to recognize that clinical intervention is beyond their reach. This is where the Employee Support Program (PAE) comes into play. This program is responsible for providing specialized resources and services to address mental and emotional health problems, and other daily life problems, such as consultations with a lawyer.
When problems requiring clinical attention are identified, the EAP recommendation becomes crucial. This program offers access to mental health professionals who can provide the appropriate treatment and support needed for employees in need. Furthermore, the current era, with an increase in 90% on downs for mental health since the pandemic, mental health care must be a key point within HR planning.
By focusing on prevention and early intervention, the Employee Support Program can help identify and address mental health issues before they become crises. Additionally, by offering a supportive environment and accessible resources, employees feel more valued and engaged in their work.
In summary, while HR plays an important role in human resource management, clinical intervention in mental health is best left in the hands of specialized professionals. The Employee Support Program emerges as a crucial solution to ensure the mental well-being of employees and the long-term success of the company. Find out how to implement it in your organization today at this link!