Thanks to the research carried out on the subject, it is now known that the success of expatriation depends not only on economic and labor factors, but also on the state of mind and motivation of the expatriate for the mission that he is going to carry out, as well as on the intercultural adaptability of your family.
The expatriate's family plays a critical role for their emotional stability and, therefore, for their job performance. Therefore, it is a key element to take into account when selecting those who will be expatriates, since the whole family faces this challenge that implies a loss
Depending on the stage of the life cycle in which they find themselves, the move can affect family members in different ways: young children have an easier time assimilating changes, although their adaptation depends to a large extent on the experience of their fathers. Women, in general, are the ones who accompany their husbands on this mission and who find it more difficult to adapt and find new activities and relationships in the new destination.
When moving to another country, it is expected that each member of the family suffers an impact called "cultural shock" and goes through a process that includes different stages. These are: Honeymoon: there is euphoria and excitement. You enjoy the novelty, you are still like a “tourist”, you don't feel the responsibility to function well within this new culture. Hostility / Frustration: the differences take on another meaning, there is greater demand in terms of functioning in the new country. The person begins to get frustrated if he cannot communicate well enough, or fulfill the obligations or daily practices as he should. The hostility can be transferred to the people of the new country.
Adjustment: implies a gradual process, in which one begins to empathize with the people of the country, and to appreciate the differences as well as adjust to them. The strange becomes, little by little, in something familiar. Adaptation: the person already manages to feel comfortable, can understand and value the new culture. There is a constructive attitude, you enjoy the differences. Each member of the family will go through these stages in a unique way, and the process will include advances and setbacks. But it is known that moving to other countries is a huge source of stress and anxiety, increasing the risk of suffering from depression and other problems such as alcoholism, school failure and divorce. You can come out of this experience strengthened or damaged, depending on how you deal with it.