Psychology in the company

Since the end of the XNUMXth century and this XNUMXst century we have seen how fashions have been reaching companies on the ways of conceiving work. We do not know how they begin or where they end, but we do know that despite the pejorative of the word fashion, these have gradually managed to improve the lives of...


In our society we find ourselves with more and more demanding environments, so it is not surprising that we set ourselves more and more demanding standards, objectives and goals. Self-demand comes from wanting things to go well for us, and we have the idea that the more we try, the more likely it is...

Codependency or emotionally depending on someone, usually our partner or our parents.

To speak of co-dependency is to speak of someone who dispenses with his own emotional needs to focus exclusively on the other. Who else and who least will have heard presumably romantic songs on more than one occasion whose message is as misleading as it is dangerous: "I can't live without you." "Without you I am nothing". "Without you nothing…

The importance of having an Employee Assistance Program in your company right now

They are in times of tension and uncertainty, when it becomes especially important to have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in companies, such as the one we offer in Healthy Work. Right now, there are many employees who contact us because they do not know how to manage the anxiety that comes from being at home with ...