The employee support program: the person responsible for mental health care in companies.

Human Resources professionals play a fundamental role in the well-being of teams. With skills such as assertiveness, empathy and the ability to listen and observe, they are able to detect possible problems and offer initial support. However, it is important to understand that clinical intervention is not one of your responsibilities and…

Open communication and trust: Are you afraid to express your opinion at work?

Imagine being able to share your ideas, opinions, thoughts without fear of repercussions. Can you do it in your workplace? Can you do it with your partner, children and friends? Open communication builds trust and this trust increases productivity. Two plus two equals five when we express ourselves freely without fear of being thought foolish or…


In our society we find ourselves with more and more demanding environments, so it is not surprising that we set ourselves more and more demanding standards, objectives and goals. Self-demand comes from wanting things to go well for us, and we have the idea that the more we try, the more likely it is...

The 3 phases of old age: physical and psychological changes

Article by: The Mind Is Wonderful What is old age? What three phases of old age do we find and what characterizes them? According to Orosa (2014), cited in an article by Martínez et al. (2018), old age is an abstract concept, considered a stage of life. On the other hand, authors such as María del Carmen Amaro (2016), have considered it a socio-anthropological construction. TO…