Self-Affirmation in Children: Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviors

Article by: LaMenteEsWonderful Around the age of two, children enter a stage characterized by opposition. If you have a little one of this age, you will probably find him saying "no" to everything, constantly challenging you, and expressing himself in anger or crying when he can't get his way. These behaviors are typical of self-assertion, a ...

Codependency or emotionally depending on someone, usually our partner or our parents.

To speak of co-dependency is to speak of someone who dispenses with his own emotional needs to focus exclusively on the other. Who else and who least will have heard presumably romantic songs on more than one occasion whose message is as misleading as it is dangerous: "I can't live without you." "Without you I am nothing". "Without you nothing…

Learn to talk to your children

Talking with our children as prevention of so many things ... A skill that we all must acquire. Many parents doubt that it is appropriate to discuss alcohol and other drugs with their children. Others of us think that it is not possible for our children to be involved with illegal substances. And others, finally, we delay the issue because we do not know ...