They ask me to reflect on everything that is happening. I don't want to talk more about the infected and sick in the ICU, or about working from home, about carrying equipment virtually or learning how to live with children at home. They are all more than important topics, but I want to talk about what psychologists see from the trenches. Most of us are not exposed to Covirus, but we are exposed to the anxiety, anguish, frustration and sadness that all this is generating. We are helping normal people who have been slapped with unpredictable, variable, complex and emergency situations over which we have no control. In the PAE program the calls have multiplied by 5 with people like us who ask for help to rebound after the slap of the pandemic. People who are losing loved ones, people who are very afraid of becoming infected or infecting others, people who find themselves locked up with hyperactive children or couples they get along with badly, people who feel without resources and even want to throw in the towel. Our effort is to accompany and listen. Help to reflect and find peace. We take out of our suitcase tools such as asking us to establish routines, to exercise at home, to eat healthy and sleep well, to shower and dress as if we were going to work, to combat loneliness with new technologies seeking the support of friends and family, that we use humor and laugh, that we stay busy and take advantage of things to do, that we are grateful, that we practice yoga, meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, body exploration, that we take care of how we see things always looking for the fortunate… instead of the one that horror, that we limit access to information, and only attend to the reliable ... Tools that help. Another thing is that it costs us more or less to use them. Everything takes time. Employee assistance programs offer support in implementing those tools that best suit our needs. But our reflection goes beyond what we are experiencing now and what we can do to "get along". We are concerned about the future. And it is good that we are all anticipating what will come next because it means that we begin to see the end. When everything is over, we will be bruised and worried about the economic situation. We will come out with other fears and anxieties. We will come out with duels to process, me first. There will always be people to help us, support us and be by our side when it comes to getting back together and getting up again. We will always have ourselves. From this it remains to become aware of who we are. Of what matters, of values and of how we relate to the world. We will also have to see if what matters to us is money and ROI or our neighbor, people; time or social triumph; the year the b.