Within any company, one of the aspects on which its proper functioning depends is the work environment among colleagues. Achieving a good work environment is good for the company, the workers and productivity. At Healthy Work we are experts in Employee Assistance ProgramsTherefore, we have prepared this post with the best advice on how to improve the work environment.
What do we mean by work environment?
Before you know the different tips on How to improve the work environment among colleagues of company, we believe that it is important that you are clear about what this concept consists of. Basically, it is the atmosphere that is perceived when the different workers carry out their tasks.
This work environment is not only the responsibility of the workers, but the company plays a fundamental role. It is this that has to launch different initiatives and actions to improve and achieve a good working environment among workers.
How to improve the work environment: the best tips
Now yes, we have one series of tips that you should follow to achieve that improvement you are looking for within the work environment of your company. These are:
In every company, transparency is a clear synonym of Trust. If you are looking for how to improve the work environment among colleagues, the best thing is that there is great transparency and that they can know when there are good and bad results. This is a way for them to be up to date on the company's situation.
If you manage to create a climate where there is communication, you will be able to ensure that your workers can feel more involved within the company. In addition, it will also help them to have a common goal to follow.
Good facilities and equipment
It is clear that achieving a good work environment depends on many factors, including having good facilities and teams that work with quality. The best thing about how to improve the work environment is that your workers have a work equipment that is functional and ergonomic.
This aspect has been seen a lot with the arrival of teleworking in many companies. Many of them have had to invest in equipment so that their workforce can carry out their duties perfectly from home.
respect and equality
Another piece of advice that we bring you on how to improve the work environment among colleagues is that the company's values are based on respect and equality among your workforce. For this reason, it is best to have an equality plan, where it is made clear that all workers are at the same level, thus avoiding the appearance of any situation of mobbing behavior or workplace bullying.
Create healthy competition
Many companies, with the aim of improving the work environment, launch initiatives to achieve healthy competitiveness. One of these measures can be a bonus system, where those who obtain the best results will get a bonus at the end of the month. This will cause an increase in the productivity, and also of the motivation of the employees.
With these types of measures, what you will be doing is showing employees that every effort is rewarded. These incentives can be very different, from an economic bonus at the end of the month, to one more day of vacation.
One of the keys to how to improve the work environment is to give confidence to your workers through autonomy. This means that, during the working day, trust your workers in their ability to manage their daily goals. This will make all employees feel more comfortable, thus gaining motivation and showing more initiative on a day-to-day basis.
Do activities outside of work
Undoubtedly, one of the tips on how to improve the work environment among colleagues is to carry out activities outside of work. This will make it possible to achieve greater communication between employees. Best of all, you will make it possible to generate some stronger ties between workers which will result in a good work environment.
show support
To improve the work environment, one of the keys is support. Motivation is very important, but to reach it, the first thing that you have to make it clear it's your support. When a boss shows interest in the situation of his workers, beyond treating them as mere producers, he gets them to be able to feel protected by the company.
A clear sign of support that can be given between a boss and his worker is in the balance between work and private life. This means that, during those hours in which the employee is away from his job, he can disconnect from his work tasks.
Recognize employee success
One of the objectives sought when creating a good work environment is to ensure that talent stays within the company. Therefore, one of the tips on how to improve the work environment among colleagues is recognize the achievements of your employees when these occur.
This will make it possible for your employees, given this recognition, to be more motivated and encouraged to achieve success in each of their tasks. Therefore, every success that occurs in your work team should be celebrated.
The purpose of Healthy work is to ensure that all employees of a company can have a great motivation, so that they can achieve a high level of productivity. For this reason we have brought you these tips on how to improve the work environment within a company. If you follow our recommendations you will achieve a healthy, fluid and motivated work environment.
If you need more information or have any questions, contact us and we will be happy to help you!
Miguel Angel Cristobal Carle