How to lose weight in a healthy way

Losing weight is not a matter of great efforts in a few days. Learning to maintain a healthy, age-appropriate weight and frame requires re-education in eating habits. All nutritionists and endocrinologists agree that to lose weight you should not stop eating but eat everything in quantities ...

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Prevention in work stress

Below are tips that each of us can follow to avoid stress caused by work, whether due to excess, confusing demands, boredom... Be aware of the means available to protect yourself from the risks involved in your work. Get training, learn about the dangers of high stress. Improve your interpersonal relationships Avoid…

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Disconnect to reconnect

We live in a society in which we are always connected, literally ... telecommuting, Instagram, whatsApp, linkdIn, facebook, calls ... we invest a lot of hours in being connected, we get used to it and take it as routine, and even the abusive use of devices we get to normalize it. Now that we are on vacation we can take advantage of this ...

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Growing in the adversity

Today I was speaking in a training session for a Canarian company about the challenges that we are facing right now as individuals and as teams in companies. We are all living a process of adaptation to a new world with peculiar characteristics. Maybe the word VUCA sounds familiar to you. The Covid has shown that we live ...

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