Sleep disorder

Today, March 18 is International Sleep Day, we want to talk about this great ally in our lives, but sometimes we don't give it the importance it really has. People spend a third of our lives sleeping, that is, approximately a total of 25 years of our lives. But how important...

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The real secret of meditation

Surely you have heard about the benefits of mindfulness and other meditation practices: stress reduction, emotional management, greater concentration, increased well-being, floating 2 cm from the ground (okay, I made this one up, but it is true that sometimes Sometimes you get to feel so comfortable that you seem to float). However,…

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Live without fear

One of the biggest limitations that people have is fear. The fear of infecting ourselves with COVID, the fear of failing, the fear of being laughed at, the fear of not being good enough or that someone doesn't love us... Fears are real, and they are conditioned by genetics...

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Sadness, what to do

How almost everything in life things are not black or white. There is a continuum between feeling somewhat sad and having major depression. In the first case there are things we can learn to do to manage it. In the second it is better to have professional help that may even require the support of…

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