You feel the way you think

It is not the events themselves that trigger our emotions, but how we perceive them and how we interpret them. Therefore, two people can react differently to the same situation, and this can produce completely different feelings in them. 2000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Epictetus already reflected on this…

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Now that the children are going back to school, you may have seen that your child cries or gets too angry when you tell him that he is going back to school. If you see that these reactions are disproportionate, it may be that there is some other reason why he does not want to go to class. One of these reasons may be…

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It is common for us to find conflicts in our work environment, but sometimes these conflicts can lead to more sustained harassment and that generates greater problems in the short and long term. This is known as "mobbing" and it has been studied that it mainly occurs through behaviors such as annoying, harassing, or deliberately excluding...

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